Friday, 22 July 2016

Do you need and Ark? I Noah guy!

The failed teachings of Noah's Ark.

A long long time ago, in a book written by some desert people, a story of an old man and his family were instructed by god to build a large ass boat. He was to build this vessel to save the world.
His mission was to harbour 2 of each animal on the planet along with his family in order to restart the world. To commemorate this feet of engineering, a well known creationist, by the name of Ken Ham began construction of his own ark in Kentucky!
He bills this as an amusement park, while simultaneously talks about this as historical fact.

I have some questions that I'd like answered. I'm going to forego the whole ethical questions which come into play here, because we don't need to get into philosophical debates on how a so called "loving god" could kill a whole civilization. Let's just stick to logistical issues here, and see where this takes us.

1: How would a family of 7-8 build such a large ship without proper tools?
2: How does someone live to be over 600 years old, and be able to build a ship?
3: How did Noah collect enough resources to supply food and water for so many animals for a year?
4: Ship builders today can’t build a ship that large made of wood that is sea worthy, how would these people?
5: How do animals across the world on different continents travel to the ark?
6: How does the ark fit so many animals?

7: What do you do about exercise? Animals can’t stay still in a cage for a year without issues.
8: Why is there no documented evidence of this event in other cultures? i.e. China.
9: How does a crew of 8 handle a boat this large with this much cargo?
10: What did the carnivores eat for a year?
11: What did the herbivores eat for a year?
12: How do you handle methane levels building up?

13: Where would all the urine go from thousands of animals?
14: Where did all the water come from? 4 1/3 times more water than currently on earth
15: Where did all the water go?
16: What happened to the fish? Salt water and fresh water would've mixed.
17: What happened to all that vegetation, and how did they grow back around the world?
18: What did the animals eat after leaving?

19: How did Noah and family know how to build the ark?
20: Did all the animals return to their homes after with no food?
21: What did the animals go back to if everything and everyone was dead?
22: How did civilization begin again? Incest?
23: Where did birds go with no where to land?
25: How did the animals breathe in low atmosphere

26: How did animals survive the cold in the high altitudes?
27: How did more species evolve in a short time from such a small group of animals?
28: What happened to animals with short life cycles? i.e. insects
29: Why are there no fossils of any animals around the world in the wrong spot?
30: Why is there zero physical evidence of a global flood?

There are dozens of other questions which are far more technical. However, I chose to go with the very simple ones which any child could answer had this all been true.
The reality is the ark simply didn't happen. If it did then god somehow did a wonderful job of covering up every shred of evidence. It's indistinguishable from if it didn't happen at all.

This "Theme park" is really just a monument to the mental laziness and willful ignorance of the world. There isn't a single artifact in either this or the creationist museum, and yet we are supposed to believe this is history. This boat simply doesn't float!